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2020/3/4 字体: 来源: 作者:




在一个国际商业诉讼或是仲裁,经常会涉及外国的法律。即使有关的商业合 约约定适用法(governing law)是英国也会是在所难免,比如案件涉及有争议是 有关外国公司法下注册的公司,或是外国的权利转让(assignment),或是在外国 发生的事实是否合法等等。这里就涉及了是否采纳外国法律专家证据的问题。 4.1 专家证据提供英国法律意见不被采纳 

在英国法院的诉讼,如果争议涉及英国法律,审理的法官就被视为是英国法 律问题的权威。该法官也不会需要任何其他人士(如专家证人)去助他/她作出决 定,所以不存在引进(adduce)英国法律专家证据(English law expert evidence) 的说法与做法。同样的原则也是适用在香港法院,如果审理的争议是有关香港法 律问题,同样是不需要、也不会批准引进香港法律的专家证据。 

英国法院所需要的帮助就是有双方的代表律师(也就是出庭大律师 [Barristers])对有关法律作出陈述(submissions)与争辩(arguments),根据的是 有关法律问题的直接或涉及的先例、案件(今天也经常会包括其他普通法系国家 或地区的案件作为有说服力先例[persuasive precedent])与/或其他权威说法或重 要法律书籍。而即使是有更高级别法院的直接与约束性权威先例(direct and binding authority),对不利的一方当事人代表大律师也会尝试通过区分(distinguish)两个案件不同的事实,试图说服法院因这些与权威先例的事实区 分而不跟从判法。 

这可去介绍 Bown v. Gould & Swayne (1996) PNLR 130, CA 上诉庭先例去说 得更清楚。该先例的案情涉及英回的一栋房子买卖,买卖包括了邻近土地的通行 权(right of way of neighbouring land)。但原告 Bown 先生在购买不久后, 被一位 想购买邻近土地的代表律师告知他没有这一个通行权, 迫使他要与邻近土地所 有人谈判并最终才获得通行权。这带来 Bown 先生向代表他买卖该房子的律师起 诉,诉因是职业疏忽(professional negligence)没有去调查清楚房子实际上是没 有邻近土地的通行权。 

在诉讼前期的“审理会议”(Pre-trial Review),原告的 Bown 先生要求引进 一位土地买卖律师(conveyancing lawyer)的专家证人去提供给法院专家意见有 关怎么样去调查与确定一楝房子是否有通行权的做法,因为被告抗辩自己的做法 并没有疏忽,说:“Our reason for this latter requirement is by reason of the defence that you have mounted liability is in issue and a conveyancing expert will be required to see that the manner in which the file was conducted by your clients were negligent.” 原告也说这是让一审法院知道土地买卖的最好习惯做法:“… that evidence would be offered as to what is regarded as best practice currently in conducting a conveyancing transaction …”而专家证人会针对以下几点去作出专家意见证据:  

“(1) good practice in establishing the existence of a right of way; 

(2) reliance on enquiries before contract; 

(3) the need for a site visit; 

(4) questions to ask the client about the property; 

(5) what would have happened had the problem with the right of way been spotted; 

(6) why did the prospective purchasers from the plaintiff in 1990 spot the problem whilst the defendants failed to; 

(7) was there anything to put the defendants on notice.” 

但这被一审法院拒绝采纳这专家证据,认为会剥夺了法院的职能与责任。原 告的上诉也不成功,当上诉庭完全支持一审法院的决定。其中 Simon Brown 大法 官说: 

“It seems therefore plain that the essential reason why the judge refused … was because he regarded the proposed expert evidence as irrelevant and inadmissible and such as would essentially have presumed to usurp his own function. In so ruling he no doubt had in mind the judgment of Oliver J. In Midland Bank Trust Company Ltd v. 

Hett, Stubbs & Kemp (1979) 1 Ch. 384, and in particular the frequently cited passage … as follows: 

‘The extent of the legal duty in any given situation must, I think, be a question of law for the court. Clearly, if there is some practice in a particular profession, some accepted standard of conduct which is laid down by professional institute or sanctioned by common usage, evidence of that can and ought to be received. But evidence which really amounts to no more than an expression of opinion by a particular practitioner of what he thinks that he would have done had he been placed, hypothetically and without the benefit of hindsight, in the position of the defendants, is, of little assistance to the court; whilst evidence of the witnesses’ view of what, as a matter of law, the solicitor’s duty was in the particular circumstances of the case, I should have thought, inadmissible, for that is the very question which it is the court’s function to decide. 


What solicitors should properly do in the very particular and highly individualistic circumstances of this case is by no means a matter of practice. It is a matter of law to be resolved by the judge. 

Each of the seven respects in which (原告)sought to contend that expert evidence would assist the court, proves, on analysis, to involve either a question of law or a question of fact. None of those matters can sensibly be regarded as inviting a view as to ‘some practice in [the solicitors] ’ profession, some accepted standard of. Induct … laid down … or sanctioned by common usage. 

I entirely share the view of the judge below that … the evidence have sought to be adduced falls foul of Oliver J’s dictum. It would amount to no more than an expression of opinion by the expert, either as to what he himself would have done, which could not assist, or as to what he thinks should have been done which would have been the very issue for the judge to determine.” 

其他两位上诉庭的 Millett 与 Leggatt 大法官也同意,其中 Millett 大法官说:


“If, however, the grantor’s title to the right of way depends on a Deed of Grant or the separation of properties in common ownership, then the question is likely to depend on the extent (if any) to which the documents of title necessary to establish the grantor’s title were available to the (被告) or were called for by them. None of this requires the assistance of expert evidence. … 

Good practice in establishing the existence of a right of way is the ordinary machinery of investigating title. This is a matter of law and not practice. It does not require to be established by an expert witness. It is also a question of law whether the purchaser’s solicitor was under a duty to inspect the property. … 

… the uniform practice of eminent conveyances of an age long past. Two hundred and fifty years later the practice of investigating title has settled down sufficiently to be well established and recorded in the textbooks. If it is necessary to assist the judge to understand the proper machinery for the deduction and investigation of title, the proper way to do it is to cite the textbooks such as Emmett, Farrand, Williams and Dart, if necessary supplemented by Law Society opinions. …” 


(一) 在涉及有否疏忽或行为是否正确的争议,会有当事人试图引进 (adduce)专家意见去显示其他在同一行业的有经验人士实际上会怎么样做才是 正确(或不正确),这正是审理法官(如果是刑事案件是陪审团所要做的事情与 责任)根据所有提供的证据(不涉及专业知识,也不是在没有专家帮助下一般正 常人是无法理解的)去作出认定与决定,不能让专家证人来剥夺。这也会是违反 了最后结论(Ultimate Issue)的规则。 

(二) 如果同样的争议是涉及英国法律的行业,也就是经常在发生的控告 前律师疏忽并索赔损失,在同样道理下,也不能去引进有经验的英国法律专家去 举证说是合格律师应该做什么或应该熟悉什么法律问题才是有或没有疏忽。除了 最后结论规则的问题,也涉及了审理法官不需要这种法律问题的帮助。 

(三) 即使是审理法官需要这方面的帮助,也可以通过双方代表律师的陈 述与争辩,比如在开庭与与结案陈词,并提供有关的权威书籍与其他资信,无需 法律专家去作证。 

(四) 如果法律是“外国/外地法律”,这不再是“法律问题”而是“事实问 题”,英国法院也肯定是需要处国法律专家的帮助,不存在本段所讲的考彪。 

这可从几个方面的原因法律(英国)问题的证据法院不予采纳(admit)。第 一是法官不需要也不应该需要双方当事人花钱去委任这方面的专家来帮助他/她 去作出法律方面的决定。第二是去这样做,也等于在法院诉讼的制度上篡夺 (usurp)了法官的职能与责任。第三是针对一些最后结论性的法律,会违反英国 仍是遵从的“最后结论规则”(The Ultimate Issue Rule),这在本章之 XX 段有诊 及。这可节录在 Re M and R (Minors)(1996) All ER 239 上诉庭先例, Butler-Sloss 大法官提到 Liddell v. Middleton, The Times, July 17, 1995先例中专家证据被排除, 说: 

“The reason for that lay in the fact that the primary evidence did not involve technical matters … that required expert interpretation, but simply the evaluation of eye witness accounts, on which the so-called expert had nothing to contribute that was outside the competence and experience of a layman. His evidence was inadmissible because it was not relevant. Had the evidence been relevant (i.e. going to a matter on which a layman would require instruction on the essentials of the necessary field of expertise to make a properly informed decision) then section 3 (of the 1972 Civil 

Evidence Act) makes clear that such evidence is admissible, whether or not it gives to an issue (or even inappropriate circumstances the ultimate issue) in the litigation.” 

这对国际仲裁来讲会有分别,因为即使是一个伦敦仲裁,而有关争议的商业 合约是适用英国法(English law contract),也会有可能被委任的仲裁员没有受过 英国法律的培训与学习。例如一位独任仲裁员(Sole Arbitrator)可能是双方当事 人同意委任,也可能是由一个机构(如工程师学会)所委任,但该仲裁的争议刚 好是涉及了一个或多个复杂的英国法律问题。这一来,就难说该仲裁员是否需要 专家的帮助了。这种情况可以说是一定不会在英国法院出现。 

通常在国际仲裁,仲裁庭会由三位成员组成。即使有一位当事人委任的仲裁 员并不熟悉英国法律(比如只熟悉外国法,如中国公司作为原告或被告委任一位 中国法学教授或律师),但由于其他两位仲裁员(对方当事人所委任与首席仲裁 员)在一个伦敦的仲裁,有绝大可能是熟悉英国法律。所以,通常可被假设与估 计是他们会帮助不懂英国法律的仲裁员理解英国法律,绝少有听过因为仲裁庭的 一位成员不熟悉英国法律而需要委任英国法律专家证人去帮助。这种情况在香港 或新加坡仲裁也是一样。 4.2 外国法律:是法律问题或是事实问题? 

但一旦争议涉及外国法律,英国法院的法官就肯定是要在其他熟悉外国法律 人士作为专家证人来帮助他/她理解外国法律后,才能为有关争议作出一个正确 的决定。因为要依赖证据,就与争议涉及的其他事实问题(issues of fact)一样, 需要根据相关证据(relevant evidence)作出决定。而一审法院对这一个外国法律 争议作出的认定无论是对是错,都不能上诉到更高的法院,例如是上诉庭(Court of Appeal)或最高院(Supreme Court),因为这些法院也不懂得外国法律,而证 据也不能没完没了地再来一次或多次。所以外国法律的问题在英国法下一贯被视 为是事实问题,而不是法律问题(issues of law)。 

在一国两制下,香港法律的问题被视为是法律问题与可以在香港法院诉讼的 程序下上诉至终审法院(Court of Final Appeal)。但中国法律问题(PRC Law issues) 就被视为是类同“外国法律”,是一个事实问题。一旦一审法院(通常国际商业 案件是高院)对这个“事实”作出认定,是不能对此认定再去上诉。 

显然,香港一审法院的法官对中国法律问题的理解也需要其他人士帮助。所 以在香港法院审理的商业案件经常会有中国内地的著名法律专家,例如是中国法 学院教授,退休法官与/或有经验的律师等。同样情况也出现在香港的仲裁案件, 毕竟根据统计是高达 80%的香港仲裁是与中国内地有关联。 4.3 外国法律与中国法律专家证人的职责 

外国法律与中国法律的专家证人的职责与其他对含有专业性或特殊性的争 议事实作出专业意见以帮助法院理解的专家证人是一致的。他们也必须要独立 (independent),有一个至高无上的责任(overriding duty)帮助法院而不是帮助

作为他们的“衣食父母”的客户,也不受到诉讼本身的影响而只是表达自己深信 的专业意见(expert opinion)。换言之,英国 CPR Part 35 适用在所有专家证人, 包括外国与中国法律专家证人。 

至于这些专家证人的作用(functions)在一个相对近期的名为 Guangzhou Green-Enhan Bio-Engineering Co Ltd v Green Power Health Products International Co Ltd (2004) 3 HKLRD 223 香港先例有谈及,林云浩大法官说: 

“(a) the function of an expert witness on foreign law is as follows: 

(i) to inform the court of the relevant contents of the foreign law; identifying statutes or other legislation and explaining where necessary the foreign court's approach to their construction;10 

(ii) to identify judgments or other authorities, explaining what status they have as sources of the foreign law11; and 

iii where there is no authority directly in point, to assist the judge in making a finding as to what the foreign court’s ruling would be if the issue was to arise for decision there.12  

See MCC Proceeds Inc v Bishopsgate Investment Trust [1999] CLC 417 at 424. 

(b) When there is authority directly in point, there is no room for experts to give evidence to determine the likely outcome of the foreign court applying the foreign law13, see National Bank of Egypt International Ltd v Oman Housing Bank SAOC [2003] 1 All ER (Comm) 246. 

(c) In Hong Kong, the court accepts the judgment of the courts in the mainland as evidence of the law in the mainland14 , see First Laser Ltd v Fujian Enterprises (Holdings) HCA 4414 of 2001, 12 December 2002, Para.56; Shenzhen Development Bank v New Century International (Holdings) Ltd HCA 2976 of 2001, 31 July 2002 at Paras. 33 to 36.  

(d) Although there is no specific reference to a particular point in a foreign judgment, so long as the court is satisfied that the point could not have escaped the attention of the foreign court or the parties, the foreign court should be regarded to have decided that point as well15 , see Shenzhen Development Bank v New Century International (Holdings) Ltd HCA 2976 of 2001, 31 July 2002 at Para.35.  

Subject to a rider which is not material in the present case, I accept these propositions as correct. …” 4.4 外国法查明通过专家意见或双方代表律师陈词较佳? 

在英国法院的对抗制诉讼(adversarial litigation)下,外国法律(如果适用) 的适用是以双方诉讼方委任的外国法律专家证人(人选会是该外国的法学教授/ 学者、退休法官或著名律师等)提供专家报告与接受盘问,法官在考虑与权衡后 像认定其他争议的事实(finding of facts)一样,认定谁的外国法“证据”更为可 信。当然在考虑与平衡的过程中,英国法官会受他/她视为是“合理”与“当然” 的英国法律影响,在双方外国法律专家证人的“敌对”(confrontational)证言中 更倾向于与英国法律立法一致的说法。 

这也是配合专家证据(expert evidence)应否被采纳(admissible)的主要条 件之一,就是英国法院的法官不懂外国法律(这可以是诸多不同国家),需要外 国的专家证人来教育与帮助理解。而最后被一审法院认定的外国法,由于是事实 问题(issue of fact),不论对错败诉方都不能上诉到上诉庭或最高院,因为只有 法律问题(issue of law,这里指英国法),才能上诉。 

而在大陆法系的国家与地区(jurisdictions),看来是更喜欢由法院主动查明。 这可能是中国大陆的法院(特别是在 2018 年新成立的中国最高院国际商事法院) 十分热衷于法国法律查明的原因之一。 

在国际商事仲裁,虽然主流程序与做法是跟从英美法院的对抗制诉讼程序, 但更有弹性(flexibility)与自主性(party-autonomy),无需严格跟从法院的做法。 只要是不违反自然公正(Natural Justice),是可以根据不同案件自由安排。所以,有听闻对英美法院对待外国法律做法的不同看法,认为有更好的办法提供外国法 律的资讯(information)以教育与帮助仲裁员理解。例如,像所有其他的事实争 议一样让双方的代表律师陈述(submit)与争辩(argue),但这一来,也就不再是 证据了。 


(一)导致国际仲裁费用高昂的原因之一,因为外国法律专家证人收费不低, 而整个仲裁程序也因为多了这一步(包括当事人/诉讼方寻找合适的专家证人、 准备与交换专家报告、对专家证人开庭前的培训、开庭审理接受盘问等)而变得 更漫长与昂贵。让代表律师向外国法律专家查明后再向仲裁庭陈述与争议有关的 外国法律会便宜与快捷得多。 

(二)专家证人(包括外国法律专家)被作为当事人的“枪手”(hired gun)。 即使该专家德高望重,不会讲谎话,但如果该专家持的意见不是配合他/她的客 户利益,当事人作为客户也不会委任他/她为专家证人。所以双方当事人的外国 法律专家证人难免在开庭审理时表达不同与“敌对”的意见,这在本质上与双方 的代表律师陈述外国法律并互相争辩没有什么分别,反正仲裁庭免不了要在分析 后作出决定。 

(三)今天仲裁庭成员的法律背景也很混杂。如香港仲裁经常有商业合约约 定适用法是英国法,但被委任的仲裁庭成员之一位或多位不是有英国法律资格人 士(English law qualified),如是德国或瑞典律师,更有不少是中国律师。这与英 国法院都是英国律师出身是不同。所以在国际仲裁,仲裁庭(没有英国法律资格 的成员)要根据外国法律(英国法律)的陈述与争辩作出裁决也是常见。 

但这种说法也受到不少拥护传统的英国与普通法做法的人士(不论是仲裁员 或是律师)的反对。外国法律的争议一旦从证据变为争辩,就失去了他们相信的 宣誓下作证(testify under oath,即使今天看来是形式多于相信)、真实声明 (statement of truth)与反盘问(cross-examination)程序。也有不少人相信专家证 人(不少是有关行业的顶尖人士)在提供证据时不会也不敢在同业(对方的专家 证人)面前太离谱,但一旦变为代表律师的争辩,就什么(包括外国法律)都敢 说,即使是空口白话也要争辩一大轮。而如果反过来去要求该代表律师(如英国 律师)正式提供一个外国(如中国或德国)法律意见,他/她是绝不敢的。 

看来已经是有历史悠久的英国法院做法,在很长一段时间内还是会在国际仲 裁持续,而不会因为仲裁有弹性与经常有创新的想法与做法有重大改变。但虽然 如此,笔者也听过做法上有了一些改变。这方面可看 2019 年 GAR 在斯德哥尔摩 进行的一个名为“Do  we need legal experts?”的会议。在该 GAR 的会议,有一 位名为 Angeline Welsh 的律师提到她曾经的经验说:“I was before the commercial court in England this year where the judge asked the parties if they would agree for foreign law to be determined by way of submissions and he was content with parties' agreement for only submissions to be made on it.” 

看来,一般在程序上比较严格的法院也有了这方面的弹性(flexible)。上一 任的首席大法官(Lord Chief Justice)Thomas 勋爵也曾经提到过在国际商业法院 可以更宽松采纳对抗制与询问制(inquisitorial)的程序。 

而国际仲裁在立法(在英国《Arbitration Act 1996》之 section 34[2][g])上规 定了可以这样做,而且仲裁一向是在程序上更宽松、有弹性与可以配合个别案件 任意设计,就没有理由不在这外国法律查明方面改进。事实上,绝大部分来香港 的仲裁案件的一方或双方当事人是来自中国内地或有关背景,所以总免不了涉及 中国法律的适用,甚至不少相关的合约规定适用法是中国法(PRC Law)。这一 来,香港仲裁经常有中国法律的专家证人作出专家报告与出庭接受盘问,整个过 程通常是耗费大量时间与金钱。但香港仲裁中一方甚至双方当事人的代表律师是 中国的著名律师所的情况也越来越多,也有部分是十分高水平属于中国法律顶端 人才。这一来,仲裁程序还是需要这一家代表当事人的律师所另外委任或转聘另 一家中国律师所的律师作为专家证人,看来是有一点流于形式。所以,笔者(杨 良宜)已经听闻与经历过香港仲裁案件不要求委任中国法律专家证人,只是由双 方代表律师替代作出陈述与争辩,可以说是以争辩/答辩(如在结案陈词)替代了 盘问。笔者本人对这样的做法是没有问题,甚至是欢迎。但相信这种态度并不普 遍,不少西方(英美法背景)仲裁员与代表当事人的跨国律师所仍是抗拒或不知 道这种做法。看来,中国公司或律师如果认同这种做法,应在今后的国际仲裁(不 论是香港、新加坡或伦敦)向对方当事人提出这个建议,如果对方能够合情合理 行事估计也会同意。当然也可以向仲裁庭提出这个建议,但会获得同意的机会(特 别是对方反对的情况下),就远远比不上与对方当事人达成协议。 

从另一个角度来说,这也与诉讼中涉及其他专业领域的做法一致。也就是本 章稍早的 XXX 段提到的在一些情况下可以采纳不独立的专家提供的专家证据, 如当事人自己或内部专业人士(in-house experts)。在 Rawlinson v. Westbrook (1994) 12 WLUK 96 先例,Staughton 大法官说如果双方当事人都是特许测量师(chartered surveyors),而有关争议是测量师收费问题,那么双方就无需各自委任独立专家 证人。 

在 DN v. Greenwich LBC (2004) EWCA Civ 1659 先例,上诉庭也判双方当事 人可以自己提供有关的专家证据。Brooke 大法官说: 

“Of course … evidence on matters of this kind may lack the objectivity to be accorded to the evidence of an independent expert, but this consideration goes to the cogency of the evidence, not to its admissibility. That such evidence was in a principle admissible should have been reasonably apparent from the judgements in this court in ES v. Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Royal Hospital NHS Trust (2003) EWCA Civ 1284 …” 

所以,针对“外国法律”这一同样被认为属于事实问题的专家证据也应有同 样的法律地位。 


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