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2020/8/14 字体: 来源:春晖大地 作者:



仅仅是“清洁运营商”(Clean Carrie)和“清洁电缆”(Clean Cable)计划就将迫使大量的因特网流量进入第三国,延长数据必须经过的距离,增加了对因特网流量进行监视和操纵的可能性,加大了互联网中断的风险,并在总体上增加了每个人上网的成本。




翻译:程 乐 王春晖 


Internet Society Statement on U.S. CleanNetwork Program

We are very disappointed. The UnitedStates, the country that funded the early development of the Internet, is nowconsidering policies that would fracture it into pieces. This is part of alarger disturbing trend where governments directly interfere with the Internet,attempting to score short-term political points without regard to the long-termdamage that results.

The Internet is a global network ofnetworks, where networks interconnect on a voluntary basis with no centralauthority. It is this architecture that has made the Internet so successful.Today’s announcement of the U.S. Clean Network program challenges thisarchitecture at its very core.

The “Clean Carrier” and “Clean Cable”programs alone would force vast amounts of Internet traffic to route into thirdcountries, extending the distances data must traverse, increasing the potentialfor surveillance and manipulation of Internet traffic, increasing the risk ofInternet outages, and in general increasing costs to everyone on the Internet.

Having a government dictate how networksinterconnect according to political considerations rather than technicalconsiderations, runs contrary to the very idea of the Internet. Suchinterventions will significantly impact the agility, resiliency and flexibilityof the Internet.

If this approach were to spread further,the ability of the Internet to bring the broader benefits of collaboration,global reach, and economic growth will be significantly threatened.

Policies like these only increase theglobal momentum towards a “Splinternet” — a fractured network, rather than theInternet we have built over the last four decades and need now more than ever.  


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